RICom na CEEMPC17 u VARŠAVI [ 2017-09-28 ] Ricom Publishing 28. septembar 2017. Varšava
U Varšavi je formalno otvoren CEEMPC17 Warsaw samit - konferencija - muzičkih poslenika iz evropskog regiona, uz prisustvo brojnih evropksih muzičkih poslenika, i gostiju. Skup uveličava i prisustvo predstavnika poljskog Ministarstva kulture i rukovodilaca ICMP-a Chris Butler i Coco Carmona. Naravno, i Ricom publishing učestvuje na ovom panelu kao pozvani delegat. Panel diskusija je podeljena u pet sesija od kojih se prva bavi trenutnim stanjem u muzičkoj industriji Poljske, sa fokusom na festivale muzike i filma, druga Kolektivnim Menadžmentom, i napretkom u implementaciji CRM direktive, treća se bavi Licenciranjem, sa posebnim osvrtom na nesrazmeru u vrednosti i inicijative licenciranja. Četvrta sesija je okrenuta ka Novostima unutar industrije i pogledima izdavača, dok se peta bavi reformom EU legislative na polju zaštite autorskih i srodnih prava.
RICom Publishing a delegate on CEEMPC17 in Warsaw
Posted by Ricom Publishing on 28 September 2017 Today in Warsaw, Poland started CEEMPC17 meeting of the chosen representatives of the music industry in European region. The Event was supported with the presence of the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Culture as well as ICMPs executives Chris Butler and Coco Carmona. Ricom Publishing is a invited delegate in this Event. The Panel Discussion is being divided into 5 sessions.
The first is named "Today’s music industry in Poland - focus on music and film festivals" will introduce the following speakers: Mikołaj Ziółkowski (Alter Art), Robert Piaskowski (Krakow Festival Office) , Marek Hojda (ZAiKS) , Anna Ceynowa (Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland) , Olga Tuszewska (Kayax Management.)
Session 2 deals in Collective Management, "where we are since the implementation of the CRM Directive"
Session 3 turns to Licensing, "how to tackle the value gap and a discussion on licensing initiatives"
Session 4 takes on the Update on Cross Industry Group with views from publishers
Session 5 deals with EU copyright reform
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