Photo: UMPG |
Chasing Trane: John Coltrane Documentarni film [ 2017-09-01 ] 01. septembar 2017.
Chasint Trane : Dokumentarni film o Džonu Koltrejnu, je provokativni, aktivan i moćan film o jednom jednom potpuno atipičnom misliocu čija je muzika bukvalno "razvaljivala" i koja i dalje nastavlja da utiče na ljude širom sveta... Lepota, energija, pitkost, bol, radost i inspiracija se čuja na gotovo 50 Koltrejnovih snimaka i kroz njegovu čitavu karijeru oživljava jednog umetnika i vreme u kome je radio i živeo. Čak i oni koji su upoznati sa njegovim opusom će naći mnogo toga iznenađujućeg i uzbudljivo novog u ovom filmu...
Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary
Posted by Universal Music Publishing on 01 September 2017 Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary is a thought-provoking, uplifting and powerful film about an outside-the-box thinker whose boundary-shattering music continues to impact and influence people around the world. This rich and compelling portrait of a remarkable artist reveals the critical events, passions and challenges that shaped the life of John Coltrane and his revolutionary sounds. It is a story of demons and darkness, of persistence and redemption. The film captures the incredible journey of a spiritual warrior who found himself, found God and, in the process, created an extraordinary body of work that transcends all barriers of race, religion, age and geography. This is a film for anyone who appreciates the power of music to entertain, inspire and transform. The beauty, poignancy, energy, pain, joy and inspiration heard in nearly 50 Coltrane recordings from throughout his career brings alive the artist and the times in which he lived. Even those familiar with his music will be able to hear and appreciate the music of John Coltrane in a new and exciting way.
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